HVDV Christmas Appeal 2019

If your looking to give a food hamper this year here are some Ideas for your Hamper content .
* A bottle of wine
* Cracker biscuits
* Chocolates
* Christmas pudding
* Iced fruitcake
* Jam or Orange Marmalade
* Shortbread
*spiced biscuits
* Tinned vegetables
* Pasta sauce
*Lentils, beans and pulses
*Tinned meat
*Tea/coffee/Hot Chocolate
*Tinned fruit
*UHT milk
*Fruit juice and squash
Thank you to all who do one it is such a lovely gift to give this Christmas.
Welcome to this year Christmas Appeal 2019.
Collection point for 2019 at bottom of this page.

Here are some of last year’s comments 2018.
“The kids loved the bag you sent me. Let them take it and wrap it up from them. They were chuffed to bits”.
“So bloomin overwhelmed by your kindness and the kindness of all the people that have donated stuff. Knowing that you’re thoughts about and remembered is as lovely as the helping hand it gives. You’ve literally delivered us our whole Christmas”. Xxx
“This year had been hard enough breaking free with the children. Christmas came quick I managed to get a couple of prezzie for the children but for Christmas dinner I couldn’t afford a roast.
So was going to have fish fingers and alpha bit letters the hvdv team came with a hamper of food goodies and treats the children’s eyes lite up.
In the following days after they had been Liz popped by with a big surprise a food gift card for asda so we could buy a turkey and so fresh vegetables thank you HVDV you have truly made mine and the children Christmas one we will never forget”

Donating a shoe box or gift bag this Christmas is a wonderful gift to give and bring smiles back to the faces of these families.
Shoe boxes and gift bag needed.
Pre School 2-4 years Boy/Girl
Primary Ks1 5-8 years Boy/ Girl
Primary Ks2 9-11 years Boy/Girl
Secondary 12-16 years Male/Female
Women's (Mum's)
Men's (Dad's)
When putting together shoe boxes and gift bag together please can you make sure those items are age and stage appropriate for child you are wishing your shoe box / gift bag to be donated to.

HVDV Christmas Appeal 2019 Ideas of items you could put in your gift bag or a single gift.
Toy ideas
Dolls, teddies, toy trucks and cars, skipping rope, small puzzles and games, dressing up, role play items etc.
Art and craft.
Art and craft sets, painting sets, Pens, pencils, sharpeners, coloured pencils, felt pens or crayon, stamping set with ink pads, notebooks & paper, calculators, colouring & picture books etc.
Hygiene Items
Tooth brushes, Toothpaste, Soaps, Bubble bath, Shower gels, Shampoo and Conditioner, Bath fizzer, Flannels, Brushes, Combs and hair accessories etc.
Other gift items.
Hats, gloves, scarf, socks, Jewellery, nail polishes, cosmetics , cups , book, candles and wrapped sweets and chocolate , manicure sets Ect...
there maybe items you think of which we have not have listed if so if your unsure please email . admin@hvdv.org.uk
Items we are unable to take due to allergies are sweets that contain nuts and balloons.
Please makes sure all toys are age appropriate for child would you are gifting gift to and that toys and games are with CE label.
Thank you for all for your kind support and thought that goes into making your gift bags and gifts which will restore their faith in mankind and make them feel they are not alone this Christmas and that people do care. Bring a smile to families who have fled Domestic Abuse.

Here are some comment from HVDV Christmas appeal 2017.
From outreach workers
*The first was the lady I gave the Christmas dinner to and she absolutely sobbed and said, “that is so amazing, we were just having a pasta bake” this left me welling up as well and also 1 of the older children. I also gave them sweets and presents from your appeal and they were extremely overwhelmed. She said, “It’s made us believe there is good to come for us”.
*The other lady I also gave a hamper to from your appeal. She said, “What is this for me?” When I said yes she said “no one has ever thought of me before, I don’t think I deserve it” she again was so grateful. I also gave her some biscuits which she immediately opened and made me a cuppa to go with it lol.
In both cases, these ladies had either struggled in life not just with the abuse but also financially. The simple act of giving a small gift and expecting nothing in return was amazing to them so thank you again for all your hard work.
*So here is my story... I fled to Wiltshire not knowing what to expect, with a few belongings and the clothes on our backs our journey began. 8 long months of being at refuge was tough I won’t lie I wanted to give up and go back but something inside said hold tight it will happen.. Low a behold October our dream had finally come true... Liz and her team worked solid for 2 days loading the van with everything we had on our wish list I was fortunate enough to do the basics but HVDV transformed an empty shell into a home for my children and myself. The team worked round the clock to put beds together and furniture into each room it was back breaking everyone was exhausted but it worth every bit of blood sweat and tears. My children and I were so overwhelmed by the kindness of these people who work so damm hard to make it happen for families to start over. Fresh start without them I do not know where I would be... few days before Christmas there was a knock at the door... Liz and Hvdv volunteers brought gifts for us all and even crackers to pull on Christmas day as soon as Liz left I cried and you know it showed people do care so thank you sincerely, we are all survivors xx